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钉房子 一 (Nail House 1)
钉房子二 (Nail House 2)
Guangfuli, Ground Zero
龙眼和橙色 ( Longan and Orange)
青蛙 (Frogs at Guangfuli Market)
钉房子三 民族主义 (Nail House 3, Nationalism)
Joshua at 6 A.M.
钉房子四 (Nail House 4)
Self Portrait (Introspection)
余烬 (Embers)
鲤鱼 (Carp at Guangfuli Market)
郑州 (Zhengzhou)
钉房子五 (Nail House 5)
钉房子六 (Nail House 6)
Self Portrait (新村路)
烏骨雞 (Silky)
钉房子七 (Nail House 7)
床垫 (Mattress)
塑料袋 ( Plastic Bags)
后悔和青岛啤酒 (Regret and Tsingtao)
恋人 (The Lovers)
残骸 (Wreckage)
After figuring out that my being is a mistake, I would have to die, or change myself, There are things that I would rather die over than change
- 新村路,上海
February 1st, 2017